The wide range of dishes available around the world is amazing from every point of view. This great selection of dishes on offer makes for the perfect eating alternatives for those who are on holidays and who want to try something new. People who have a passion for food need to know that the food options are varied depending on the country you go to and at the same time endless because there are as many options as people in the world. It’s only natural that some tourists want to have unusual dishes, which some other people would never think of tasting. Since there is a great array of unusual dishes available you will have to be prepared to dig into the strangest meals. Let’s have a look at the top 10 most unusual dishes in the world.
10. Haggis
Haggis dish Top 10 Unusual Dishes
This is one of the most typical dishes in Scotland that has a special preparation. Local people use the organs of sheep to prepare the dish. So they combine the heart, liver and lungs with chopped onions, condiments and broth. The most unusual part of the dish is that once all those ingredients are mixed, they fill the stomach of a sheep with the mixture and bring that to the boil for some time. Those who have tried it claim that it has a particular taste of nuts and that they know it is a very useful dish for people who have health problems. Even when there are lots of restaurants around the world that offer Haggis, the best place to try it is in Scotland.
9. Insects
Insects dish Top 10 Unusual Dishes
One of the most popular street-food meals in the countries of Southeast Asia and in some areas of Africa is a combination of insects. Insects are offered in different meals and with different tastes and people generally go for crickets, cockroaches, spiders, and some other creepy-crawlies. It’s important to say that eating insects is part of the Asian and African cultures and that in recent years it has gained popularity due to the practice of eating insects on TV.
8. Rice Wine – Sake
Rice Wine Sake Top 10 Unusual Dishes
We all know that a good meal is never complete without a good wine but would you actually go for a wine that is made of rice and that has a dead snake inside the bottle? This wine made from fermented rice and bottled with a poisonous snake is left to mature for a couple of months before it’s ready to be used as a health-giving beverage. Sake as it’s popular around the world is the traditional drink in Vietnam and Japan. You don’t have to worry about the poisonous snake in your wine as the ethanol counteracts the poison of the snake.
7. Stuffed Camel
Stuffed Camel Dish Top 10 Unusual Dishes
There is no other dish in the world that is as big as this one. Bedouins take a whole camel and fill it with a lamb that in turned is filled with several chickens that contain eggs and rice on their inside. It’s important to say that is a traditional dish people prepare only for special occasions and that it is a really hard work to prepare a stuffed camel.
6. Prairie Oysters
Prairie Oysters Dish Top 10 Unusual Dishes
Even when the majority of people call them prairie oysters, it’s important to say that this dish had nothing to do with oysters. This unusual but typical dish in certain areas of North America is prepared with the testicles of a buffalo or bull. People take the testicles and cover them with a thin layer of flour and then deep-fry them in hot oil.
5. Hakarl
Hakarl dish Top 10 Unusual Dishes
The next time you go to Iceland you can’t miss trying its typical dish called Hakarl. This is actually fermented fish, especially shark that is consumed in the diets of most Icelanders. You will be surprised because this unusual dish has such a pungent smell that you might be put off of food for quite some time.
4. Casu Marzu
Casu Marzu Top 10 Unusual Dishes
The majority of food connoisseurs know that it can be quite hard to eat cheese because of the maturing features some have. Casu Marzu is a cheese produced in Italy, in the famous city of Sardinia. Casu Marzu is a special cheese because cheese makers add live larvae to the cheese so as to intensify the fermentation process. You will have be cautious when you eat this cheese because the larvae will hop over your mouth.
3. Puffin Heart
Puffin Heart Top 10 Unusual Dishes
A puffin is a sea bird generally found in the Arctic waters. In Iceland there’s a traditional sport in which people have to sky fish puffins. The idea of the sport is to catch the bird, then break its neck and slit the heart out in order to eat it while it’s still beating. You can also try a grilled puffin but that’s similar to eating chicken.
2. Fugu
Fugu dish Top 10 Unusual Dishes
The Japanese cuisine is worldwide famous for being extreme. One of the most unusual dishes is Fugu, which is a toxic fish that is generally served uncooked. The dish has to be made by an expert because if the fish has some remains of the toxin the customer can die within a couple of seconds. It’s important to say that there’s nothing special about the flavour of the fish, which means that the only attraction is the adrenaline rush.
1. Balut
Balut dish Top 10 Unusual Dishes
Balut is actually the embryo of a duck that is simmered while it’s still alive in its shell. This unusual delicacy is common in South Asia, where foo trucks offer it. Those who have tried it say that the flavor is like a mixture of a chicken boiled egg. Remember that as it is an embryo you will probably find feathers and bones while you eat it.

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