There are so many amazing places on earth that it would be impossible to see them all at once. This is why we have created the list of top ten amazing places to visit before you die. Let’s have a look at some of the places we have included in our list and you will surely note that one common thing for all the places is that they are all beautiful.
10.  Japan – The Nine Hells of Beppu:
The Nine Hells of Beppu Top 10 Amazing Places In The World
You can find The Nine Hells of Beppu in Kyushu Island and you will note that the locals call it the spring capital of the country. Since there are many different cracks all over the island it is not difficult to see steam coming out of them, which is why tourists have chosen this spot for ages to vacation. The island has more than eight geothermal spots; nine to be more precise, and as the temperatures in those spots are so high, people call them the Nine Hells of Beppu.
9. Brazil and Paraguay – Guaira Falls:
Brazil and Paraguay Guaira Falls Top 10 Amazing Places In The World
Even when it may sound amazing, we have to say that there is a waterfall in South America that has more water flowing that the Niagara falls. In the Guaira Falls there are more than 1,7 million cubic feet of water that is constantly flowing to create a spectacular view. The swirling mass of water can be heard from 32 kilometers away and they are one of the most amazing places on earth that you really need to visit.
8. California – Racetrack Playa:
California Racetrack Playa Top 10 Amazing Places In The World
This beach is commonly referred to by the locals as the Death Valley because of the giant stones that are constantly moving.  The floor in this area is mostly arid so you can see patches of scorched mire that has the typical octagon pattern. What’s surprising about this place is that the stones move in the Playa and you can see the tracks they leave. The weather is mostly dry and it only rains a couple of times a year. Nevertheless, when rain falls the slanting mountains around the Playa create a great quantity of runoff that turn the floor of the Playa into a not very deep lagoon.
7.  New Zealand – Rotorua:
New Zealand Rotorua Top 10 Amazing Places In The World
This is one of New Zealand’s best-known tourist destinations because of the distinctive volcanic scenery, Maori culture everywhere, thermal waters and all kinds of adventure activities for tourists. In Rotorua there are lots of botanical garden characterized by historical building style but what attracts most tourists is the thermal waters. You will be surprised to see Geysers and mud-pools as well as thermal waters and if you go to the Buried Village you will be able to enjoy all those things.
6. Uzbekistan – Hell’s Door:
Uzbekistan Hell Door Top 10 Amazing Places In The World
The majority of local people refer to this place as The Door to Hell. Hell’s Door is located close to the Darvaz town. The site has a rich history dating back to 35 years ago. According to history geologists were looking for gas when they found a huge cave underground and all the men and their equipment fell into the depths of the earth. If you are keen on adventure then the Hell’s Door is the perfect vacation spot for you. Remember that this is not a popular tourist destination and therefore it is perfect to get away from crowded spots and busy streets.
5. France – The Great Dune of Pyla:
France The Great Dune of Pyla 1024x575 Top 10 Amazing Places In The World
The Great Dune of Pyla is located in the Arcachon Bay, about 60 kilometers away from Bordeaux and it is the highest dune in Europe. It has a height of 107 meters and at the top the amazing views of the Bay, the Pyrenees Range and the big pine forests in the area make it one of the most amazing places on earth.
4. Antarctica – McMurdo Dry Valleys:
Antarctica McMurdo Dry Valleys Top 10 Amazing Places In The World
In the Antarctica there is an area called ASMA, that stands for the Antarctic Specially Managed Area, that is the biggest area without ice in the Antarctica. The McMurdo Dry Valleys is an amazing place on earth where people can see how wildlife verges on the limits of nature and displays the most unusual environments in the world. What scientists find really surprising is the fact that this stretch of land does not seem to belong to Antarctica because Antarctica is famous for its ice and snow.
3. Turkey – Pamukkale:
Turkey Pamukkale Top 10 Amazing Places In The World
This historical, stunning place is full of white-stone castles and it is a must-see landmark when you go to Turkey. Not only local people but also tourists from all over the world go to Pamukkale on a regular basis because of the jaw-dropping appearance it has and also because of the history that seems to float in the air. Scientists have studied the thermal waters in the area and have claimed that they are great natural remedies to cure different illnesses.
2. Border Point of Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana – Mount Roraima:
Border Point of Venezuela Brazil and Guyana Mount Roraima Top 10 Amazing Places In The World
The famous Scotch writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle thought of a land full of table mountains inhabited by dinosaurs, exotic flora and fauna in his story The Lost World. His accounts where based on what the British explorers, Everard Thum and Harry Perkins, had seen in their first expedition to the Mount Roraima in 1884. Nowadays, Mount Roraima is the perfect holiday spot for backpackers, who love to climb the mount to reach the Venezuelan part.
1. Antarctica – Iceberg B-15:
Antarctica Iceberg B 15 Top 10 Amazing Places In The World
If you enjoy cold weather, then the Iceberg B-15 is one of the most amazing places on earth. This iceberg, that has more than 11,000 square kilometers, is bigger than Jamaica. Remember that after ten years there are parts of the iceberg that have not been affected by the sun. There’s a section called B-15A that separated from the Ross Ice Shelf twelve years ago. Experts have decided to place a GPS in order to keep track of the iceberg and how it moves.

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