The scientists who created observatories and telescopes have undertaken a great deal in their attempt to take a look at areas of the space, which are not known by human beings. It’s time now to see which are the top ten telescopes and observatories that revolutionized the world.
10. Telescopes Keck I & II, Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii
Telescopes Keck I II Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii Top 10 Telescopes and Observatories
Between 1992 and 1996 the world witnessed the creation of both Keck scopes. They are placed in a Hawaiian peak 4,000 meters above sea level, which means that they are 40% closer to the atmosphere of the earth. These telescopes are two of the most powerful machines on the ground and have a total aperture of more than ten metres, which is composed of thirty-six mirrors. They have been equipped with state-of-the-art spectrometers and cameras and have a total weight of 300 tons approximately.
9. Telescope Hubble Space, in the USA
Telescope Hubble Space in the USA Top 10 Telescopes and Observatories
The Telescope Hubble Space was sent out in space in the 1990s and it is 600 kilometers over the atmosphere of the earth. The amazing machine has the capability to take photos of faraway objects with a great level of detail that only ground-based scopes can achieve. NASA was the inventor of the Hubble because they wanted to modify a few of the most important astronomical complications. Since it appeared, it has given scientists the chance to discover how old the universe is considering the expansion rate it has.
8. Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico
Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico Top 10 Telescopes and Observatories
It is the biggest scope with a relative aperture nowadays, which is managed by the University of Cornell. It is mainly used for looking for quasars and pulsars and also to seek for extraterrestrial life in the Search for Alien Life programme. If you have watched James Bond Golden Eye, you will have probably seen the Arecibo Observatory.
7. Jodrell Bank in Cheshire
Jodrell Bank in Cheshire Top 10 Telescopes and Observatories
This observatory was first called Jodrell Bank Exploratory Camp and was created by Sir Lovell in the mid 1940s. Nowadays, the observatory is under management of Manchester University. At first, the observatory was used to activities related to the academic world. However, when the Second World War was over researchers from all over the world started to use it in order to look into cosmic rays, the age of the space and gravitational areas in space.
6. Hale Telescope located in the Palomar Observatory in California
Hale Telescope located in the Palomar Observatory in California Top 10 Telescopes and Observatories
That cutting-edge telescope got its name because of the expert in Astronomy George Hale and has had a major role in finding out countless phenomena of the immense universe. The telescope is made up of a groundbreaking spectrograph, adaptive optic structures as well as infrared images. The Institute of Technology of California is in charge of running this colossal machine.
5. Observatory Mount Wilson in California
Observatory Mount Wilson in California Top 10 Telescopes and Observatories
Situated in San Gabriel Mountains in California at an incredible elevation of 1,742 metres is the Mount Wilson Observatory. At the beginning of the 1900s, an institution from Washington, called Carnegie, decided to build this observatory to carry out essential studies. The purpose of the observatory was to concentrate on studying and learning more about the deep space because it had triplets of solar scopes that were intended to look into the nature of the sun.
4. Yerkes Observatory located in the Williams Bay in Wisconsin
Yerkes Observatory located in the Williams Bay in Wisconsin Top 10 Telescopes and Observatories
In 1897 the Chicago University built the Yerkes Observatory and nowadays it still is the biggest refracting telescope that astronomical researchers from all over the world can use. The main purpose of the telescope is to investigate objects near the earth, astronomy related to infrared, interstellar environment and formations of star cluster. It is believed that astrophysics as we now know it was born in this observatory.
3. Birr Castle, Co.  Located in Offaly, Ireland
Birr Castle Co. Located in Offaly Ireland Top 10 Telescopes and Observatories
In 1845 this reflective telescope was created in Ireland. The main use it had was to find out about the spiral shape some galaxies have. For quite some time it was biggest telescope in the world but that ended when Mount Wilson Observatory was opened. Not long ago, the observatory was closed to the audience and it went through a series of restorations.
2. Herschel’s “Forty-foot” reflector, Slough
Herschel’s “Forty foot” reflector Slough Top 10 Telescopes and Observatories
In the years separating 1785 and 1789, Sir William Herschel as well as Caroline Herschel were able to create one of the most ancient telescopes in the world. The telescope is world famous for finding the sixth and seventh Saturn moons. The diameter of the mirror was 48 inches and it had a focal length of 40 feet, that’s where the name comes from. However, in 1839 it was dismantled and it can now be seen in the Museum of Science in London.
1. Royal Observatory, Greenwich, London
Royal Observatory Greenwich London Top 10 Telescopes and Observatories
King Charles II from England created the observatory in the 17th century but it was deeply affected by pollution from the atmosphere and the lights. In 1893, a 28 inches refracting telescope was sent out to space from the observatory but it stopped working in the end of the 1960s. In the mid 1980s, Britain decided to adopt the Greenwich Meridian that goes to the far side of the Observatory because it was the perfect basis for maps and measures.

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