Websites devoted to social networking are packed with people from all over the world, who find those sites as virtual society made up of human beings from different parts of the world and with different needs. There’s no doubt that they are a fantastic way to be connected to your friends. Let’s have a look at the top ten social networking sites.
10. Bebo
bebo social networking site Top 10 Social Networking Sites
Bebo is actually an acronym that means that if you write blogs early, you will have the chance to do it more often and it is a social network that first appeared in 2005 when Michael Birch together with his wife Xochi Birch, both from San Francisco, had the brilliant idea to set it up. Three years later after creating the site, the couple decided to sell it to AOL for the staggering sum of more than 800 million dollars.
9. MSN
msn social networking site Top 10 Social Networking Sites
MSN stands for Messenger and it is a part of Microsoft Networks that plays a major role in the market of search engines. MN was created in the mid 1990s and it included several ways of accessing information, what made it really popular amongst users.
8. Classmates
classmates social networking site Top 10 Social Networking Sites
Randy Conrads was the one in charge of creating Classmates in the mid 1990s. The site was designed to give people the chance to find lost school classmates and to stay connected with them. It was a huge success when it appeared.
7. YouTube
youtube social networking site Top 10 Social Networking Sites
Nowadays, YouTube is a website that belongs to Google. When it first appeared in the early 2000s, it had been created by three PayPal workers called Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim. Even when YouTube is not a real networking site, it gives users the chance to share videos in a matter of seconds.
6. Hi5
hi5 social networking site Top 10 Social Networking Sites
In the early 2000s, Ramu Yalamanchi had a great idea to create a social networking site. The page he designed became worldwide famous for offering all kinds of online games including bingo, pool and Demolition City. Over the years, the site improved but not long ago it has been pulled to pieces because of some spam and privacy issues.
5. LinkedIn
LinkedIn social networking site Top 10 Social Networking Sites
2003 seems to have been a year full of creations in the net. Hi5 had already appeared in the scene of the social networking sites and Reid Hoffman believed there were still users who hadn’t found their site, that’s why he created LinkedIn. The site is perfect for those who are looking for a relationship, or who need to find a better job and even to interact with other professionals.
4. Tagged
tagged social networking site Top 10 Social Networking Sites
Greg Tseng together with Johann Schleier-Smith was the creators of Tagged in the beginning of 2000. This social network gives users the chance to establish their own friends’ community as well as to meet people from all over the world. In recent years, tagged has become a lot more popular and that’s mainly on account of fact that they have added some features that allow users to personalize their profiles and play games such as Mafia Wars and Poker.
3. Twitter
twitter social networking site Top 10 Social Networking Sites
Twitter is considered to be a micro blog page that appeared back in 2006 when Jack Dorsey launched it. Twitter works really well because it allows you to update your status whenever you want. However, you can’t write everything you want because there’s a restriction of 140 characters. Because of this easy of use, most people call it online SMS.
2. MySpace
myspace social networking site Top 10 Social Networking Sites
Again 2003 appear as a key year. In this same year Thomas Anderson working together with Chris DeWolfe created MySpace. MySpace was designed as an exclusive portal for youngsters and nowadays it seems to be a cultural wonder and a very high-priced company.
1. Facebook
facebook social networking site Top 10 Social Networking Sites
Mark Zuckerberg developed Facebook in 2004. When it appeared it revolutionized social networking because everyone wanted to use it. Nowadays, most people have a Facebook profile and the network now receives investment from Greylock Partners, PayPal and Microsoft that has more than 1.5% shares.

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