Top 10 Unusual Upcycled Shoe Sculptures
Top 10 Unusual Upcycled Shoe Sculptures
When it comes to getting rid of an old pair of shows what do you do with them? Do you make a planter like those seen in my post “Top 10 Shoe Planters” or do you just give them away to charity? Well today we are going to meet Gwen Murphy who doesn’t do either of those things. In fact she transforms old shoes into amazing works of art…
Top 10 Unusual Upcycled Shoe Sculptures

Top 10 Unusual Upcycled Shoe Sculptures
Upcycled Shoe Sculpture
10 – Teacher
All these shoes by Gwen Murphy are part of her collection of shoe artworks called “Foot Fetish” because she loves shoes and I would imagine so did the owner of these shoes.
Top 10 Unusual Upcycled Shoe Sculptures
Upcycled Shoe Sculpture
9 – Tired
Sometimes scary, and sometimes rather odd. You can really see that the artist doesn’t just work with these old shoes as a medium but as a life-long fascination and it really shows.
Top 10 Unusual Upcycled Shoe Sculptures
Upcycled Shoe Sculpture
8 – Home Alone
I would have said that these were the slippers from a old man, but it goes to show I just don’t study and understand shoes quite as much as the artist does.
Top 10 Unusual Upcycled Shoe Sculptures
Upcycled Shoe Sculpture
7 – Red Faced
For my money I would like to bet that the artist has got the owner of these shoes spot on. From the pouting face to the red style. These are almost definitely the shoes of a upper-class person.
Top 10 Unusual Upcycled Shoe Sculptures
Upcycled Shoe Sculpture
6 – Native?
Now I could wrong here, but I get the feeling that the artist is trying to turn these old shoes into a a native American Indian style character. But then again I could be wrong. (as I normally am)
Top 10 Unusual Upcycled Shoe Sculptures
Upcycled Shoe Sculpture
5 – The Ballerina
It is this sculpture that I think really shows the artists skills. The character in the sculpture perfectly portrays what the original owner of the show might have looked like. Maybe even a ballet instructor!
Top 10 Unusual Upcycled Shoe Sculptures
Upcycled Shoe Sculpture
4 – The face in the shoe
There is definitely something creepy about these works of art. This one for me was one of the strangest, but yet the character it is show seems to fit the shoe.
Top 10 Unusual Upcycled Shoe Sculptures
Upcycled Shoe Sculpture
3 – Split Personality
It is the art of the sad clown that is captures here. From sad to happy it perfectly captures a clowns life and they really do look like clown shoes! Makes you wonder if they really were.
Top 10 Unusual Upcycled Shoe Sculptures
Upcycled Shoe Sculpture
2 – Frog Faced
This is got to be one of the most unusual the artist has made. But yet it also really works as well. Sure the old shoes didn’t come from a frog, but they might well have come from someone frog faced!
Top 10 Unusual Upcycled Shoe Sculptures
Upcycled Shoe Sculpture
1 – Biting Shoes
And I will end with with one of her darker sculptures. But yet as with the rest of them the character really does seem to match the shoe! Well I hope you have enjoyed seeing these and do remember to click on on of the images above and see the many, many other amazing shoe characters the artist has come up with.

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