Top 10 Unusual Santa Hats
Top 10 Unusual Santa Hats
Those of you who work in an office will know where I am coming from with this. On the stroke of December 1st everyone in the office starts to wear Santa hats. Well don’t conform to society, you can make a stand! Show people there is an alternative to the cheap looking Santa hats out there…
Top 10 Unusual Santa Hats
Top 10 Unusual Santa Hats
Santa Hat With Shot Glasses
10 – Shots
Why have a normal Santa hat when you can have one to carry round shot glasses with! It might get a few smiles at least as you travel around the office party floor. Just remember not to bow in front of anyone.
Top 10 Unusual Santa Hats
Light-Up Christmas Turkey Hat
9 – Turkey Head
Well it made me smile anyway. With a build in set of lights and 2 small Santa hats on the Turkeys legs it is as festive and festive gets. Just remember not to wear it to the annual vegetarian Christmas ball.
Top 10 Unusual Santa Hats
Christmas Tree Hat Light Up
8 – Tinsel Town
My family home is always covered in tinsel. From December the first to the 5th of January our home looks very much like this hat, prickly and full of Christmas cheer. But even I wouldn’t be brave enough to wear this in public.
Top 10 Unusual Santa Hats
Bah Humbug Santa Hat
7 – Bah Humbug
Here is something weird I just learned. Bah Humbug was in fact a nautical phrase! But of course we all know it from the mouth of Ebenezer Scrooge. Facts aside I know quite a few people who would rather wear one of these than a Santa hat.
Top 10 Unusual Santa Hats
Christmas Baseball Cap
6 – Sun Light and Snowbells
With global warming making Christmas a little more like late Summer maybe this is the best way to go. Or if you live in Australia this will be perfect for keeping that hot Christmas sun out of your eyes.
Top 10 Unusual Santa Hats
Potato Sack Santa Hat
5 – Poor Man’s Santa
At first I thought this was a giant sack witches hat. But then I realised that it was just a poor choice of table-cloth. Well if you are craft inspired maybe you could make your own Santa hat from a Potato or coal sack.
Top 10 Unusual Santa Hats
Star Trek Spock Ears Santa Hat
4 – Festive Trek
Do you think they celebrated Christmas on Vulcan? Well maybe not, but if they did I could definitely see Spock wearing this rather unusual Santa hat. Or maybe his human side would compel him to wear it anyway!
Top 10 Unusual Santa Hats
Batman Santa Hat
3 – The Caped Delivery Man
If ever there was a strange mash-up of ideas it has to be a Santa hat and a Batman mask. But for Nerds like me it will offer a nice little alternative to wearing the normal Santa hat.
Top 10 Unusual Santa Hats
R2D2 Santa Hat
2 – Festive Beeps
With a beep and a squirt comes this R2D2 inspired Christmas hat. Sadly the one in the image link has already been sold. But I am sure if you ask nicely enough they will make another one for you.
Top 10 Unusual Santa Hats
TARDIS inspired Santa Hat
You don’t need me to tell you why I made this my number 1, because it is simply amazing and looks much the same as well. So show people you are happy to be a Whovian this Christmas and wear one of these.

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