Top 10 Funny Images of Animal Breading
Top 10 Funny Images of Animal Breading
We have already seen cats be subjected to it in my post “Top 10 Funny Cats In Food“, but now is the turn for the rest of the animal kingdom to suffer it. I am talking about the viral trend of “breading” this is where you take an animal and stick a slice of bread of its head. Not to cause the animal discomfort, but to make a funny image. And here are just ten of those silly images…
Top 10 Funny Images of Animal Breading
Cat Breading
10 – Cat
While we have already seen loads of cats being breaded I thought it was best to show 1 cat to remind people of what it is. So this ladies and gentlemen is cat breading!
Top 10 Funny Images of Animal Breading
Guinea Pig Breading
9 – Guinea Pig
I can just imagine the grunts and squeals this poor chat made having some bread put round its neck. But I suppose it is better than actually becoming a sandwich.
Top 10 Funny Images of Animal Breading
Dragon Breading
8 – Dragon
This is not a common bearded dragon, more a lesser seen bread dragon. I can’t work out if it is a tiny lizard or a massive piece of bread!
Top 10 Funny Images of Animal Breading
Pukeko Breading
7 – Pukeko
Pūkeko is a purple swamphen common to New Zealand, so to get one of these breaded it a rare sight indeed. Fair play that is one big bird to bread!
Top 10 Funny Images of Animal Breading
Rat Breading
6 – Rat
Normally finding a rat in your bread would be a serious complaint. But in the crazy world of animal breading it is more than welcoming.
Top 10 Funny Images of Animal Breading
Turtle Breading
5 – Turtle
Sadly the turtle is never going to get away quick enough to prevent its owner from breading it. So it will instead try and eat its way out of the situation.
Top 10 Funny Images of Animal Breading
Chicken Breading
4 – Chicken
I love a chicken sandwich just as much as the next meat eater, but for me this chick is a little under cooked, but with a nice bread coating!
Top 10 Funny Images of Animal Breading
Rabbit Breading
3 – Rabbit
Not just one but you can catch 2 rabbits with a few slices of bread. But much like the other animals I do wonder how they stop them from eating the bread in the first place, let alone stand still long enough.
Top 10 Funny Images of Animal Breading
Dog Breading
2 – Dog
I don’t know what is more amazing, the fact that they got it onto the dogs nose without breaking it, or the fact that the dog hasn’t eaten it!
Top 10 Funny Images of Animal Breading
Bird Breading
1 – Bird
Normally birds love a bit of bread, but this poor little chap has been given more than he could ever ask for! Shame he has to wear it around his neck, but still.

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