11-year-old Supatra Sasuphan being named the “World’s Hairiest Girl who lives in Bangkok, Thailand. Even though she was being teased as "Wolf Child" and "Monkey Face" by the other kids she got the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's hairiest girl, and suddenly she's the coolest kid at her school.

Supatra has a condition called hypertrichosis, also known as Abras syndrome, which causes hair to grow over her entire body, even her face. Congenital hypertrichosis is extremely rare.
"I'm very happy to be in the Guinness World Records! A lot of people have to do a lot to get in," she said. "All I did was answer a few questions and then they gave it to me."
"I'm very used to this condition. I can't feel the hair as it has always been like this. I don't feel anything. It does sometimes make it difficult to see when it gets long. I hope I will be cured one day."
Source :- http://www.unbelievableinfo.com/2013/12/worlds-hairiest-girl-supatra-sasuphan.html



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