A 6-year-old boy from China, who was born with 5 extra fingers and 6 extra toes, has undergone an operation to remove his extra digits. If you do the math – that’s 31 fingers and toes.

The unnamed child suffered from a condition known as polydactyl, in which a person has more than five fingers per hand and five toes per foot. This condition can occur on its own without any other symptoms or underlying disease, according to the National Institutes of Health, or may be inherited.
One of his hands had seven fingers and the other had eight while each leg has an extra 3 toes. Four fingers on one hand and three on the other were fused. In this case, the boy appeared to have central polydactyl, where an extra digit of a long or ring finger is concealed in a web between the adjoining normal fingers.
The boy’s mother said he has been ridiculed all his life because of the malformation, but thanks to a six hour surgery at a hospital in Shenyang, China, doctors were able to remove the extra toes and fingers.
Source :- http://www.unbelievableinfo.com/2013/12/boy-with-31-fingers-and-toes.html



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