The historic moment was recorded in April, 2012 and is the first time in history the shortest male and female in the world have met. Each wore traditional outfits from their native countries and smiled and laughed throughout.

Marco Frigatti, Official Guinness World Records Adjudicator, said: "It was an extraordinary moment; they're both such incredible individuals. Everyone knew this was a special moment, the atmosphere was magical."

Jyoti Amge, the world’s shortest woman, stands 24.7 inches tall. The 18-year-old hails from Nagpur, India, took the title of Shortest Living Woman when she reached the age of 18 in December 2011. She has a form of dwarfism called Achondroplasia and won't grow any taller than her current height. Due to her size, she has to have clothes and jewellery specially made. She sleeps in a tiny bed and uses special plates and cutlery to eat.

The older and shorter man, Chandra Bahadur Dangi, 72, lives in the village of Rhimkholi, Nepal. Dangi, a mere 21.5 inches tall, had never left his remote town before he claimed the world record earlier this year. He was crowned the shortest man in history by Guinness in February 2012, when his height (or lack thereof) dethroned India’s Gul Mohammed, who was 22.5 inches tall before his 1997 death.

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