Ram Singh Chauhan from Rajasthan is inching his way to a hair-raising record as the owner of world's longest moustache according to the Guinness Book of World Records. The longest moustache measures 4.29 m (14 ft) and belongs to Ram Singh Chauhan (India). It was measured on the set of Lo Show dei Record in Rome, Italy, on 4 March 2010.

Ram Singh Chauhan, a 54-year-old Rajasthan state tourism official is a major attraction with tourists who come to city known for its sand dunes, royal palaces and colourful festivals. He started growing his moustache in 1982 after being inspired by a fellow Rajasthani, Karna Bheel. Chauhan spends two hours every day to clean and comb his mustache through oil and massage treatment. His long hair has turned him into a celebrity with people jostling to be photographed with him, wherever he goes.

Source :- http://www.unbelievableinfo.com/2013/12/worlds-longest-moustache-ram-singh-chauhan.html



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