It is a most improbable mountain, sticking up a thousand feet in the air
above the surrounding valley like some giant, prehistoric tree-stump.
Native Americans from ancient times designated it a sacred place.
Yearly, thousands of tourists come to gawk at its unusual shape. The
name of this strange geological formation is Devil's Tower.

Devil's Tower rises 1,267 feet above the nearby Belle Fourche River.
What makes the mountain so striking is its sharp, near-vertical cliffs
with regular, furrows and flattened top.
During the age of the dinosaurs, this area was once under a shallow sea.
Over a period of millions of years, sediment was deposited on the floor
of this sea and this eventually turned it to sedimentary rock such as
sandstone, shale and siltstone. At the end of the dinosaurs age 65
million years ago, pressures from within the earth forced the land
upward. These pressures created the nearby Black Hills and Rocky
Mountains. The pressure also forced molten rock toward the surface at
the location where the tower now stands. What scientists cannot agree on
is whether this molten rock ever made its way to the surface. If it
did, then Devil's Tower is probably the remains of an ancient volcano.
The formation as we see it would be called a "volcanic plug."
A volcanic plug is formed when a volcano becomes extinct and the molten
rock in tube that carried the magma from deep in the earth to the crater
of the mountain cools and becomes solid igneous rock. Usually the rock
in the tube is much tougher than the rest of the mountain and as the
wind, rain and snow erode the mountain away, the plug becomes exposed.
One well-known example of a volcanic plug is Ship Rock in New Mexico
which towers 1,700 feet above the surrounding plain.
Most of the evidence suggests that Devil's Tower isn't the remains of an
extinct volcano, however. There is no trace in the surrounding
countryside of other geological phenomena that might be associated with a
volcano such as ash or lava flows.
A more likely theory is that the strangely-shaped mountain is a
laccolith. A laccolith is an intrusion of hot magma from deep within the
earth that never reaches the surface. It pushes up a bulge of
sedimentary rock above it, but no caldera or crater is formed. As the
molten rock cools and the soft sedimentary rock of the bulge is worn
away, the harder igneous rock is exposed. If this is the case the top of
the tower probably became visible between one and two million years
The tower itself is composed of phonolite porphyry, a gray or greenish
igneous rock with crystals of feldspar embedded within it. As the hot
rock cooled, eight-sided vertical columns formed. As these columns
continued to cool they shrank and pulled away from each other, making
the furrow marks that run vertically down the tower from the top.
As the land surrounding the tower continues to erode, more of the bottom
part of the tower will be exposed. At the same time, however, the tower
is not immune to erosion itself and is slowly wearing away. The
boulders strewn around the base are remnants of this singular formation
that have fallen from it over time.
The first successful climb of Devil's Tower was in 1893. It was done
using a series of ladders held to the mountain by pegs driven into some
of the vertical cracks running between the columns. William Rogers, a
rancher, ascended the ladder for the first "official" climb on July 4th
of that year. Though the ladder has become unusable, portions of it can
still be seen by visitors walking the trail that circles the base of the
Climbers still ascend the tower, but use free climbing techniques and
safety ropes secured with steel wedges hammered into cracks in the
rocks. The installation of permanent pitons are not allowed so that
damage to the rock face can be avoided. The mountain is still sacred to
several Northern Plains tribes, and The National Park Service, which
administers the site, promotes a voluntary ban on climbing the tower in
June when Native American ceremonies are most prevalent.
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