1. Florida: 9.4
Florida: 9.4
Florida ranks first in the list of states with tornado risk. In 2004, the four largest tornados have been stroking the country and make Florida the highest tornado risk.

2. Oklahoma: 8.2
Oklahoma: 8.2
Oklahoma came in second place as the highest tornado risk. The risk of tornadoes in Oklahoma is positioned as the second ranking. The most dangerous tornadoes occur in this country known as Tornado Alley. The country is subject to dangerous twisters and storms. But the residents of Oklahoma have recognized the best way to save themselves if a tornado comes.
3. Kansas: 6.7
Kansas: 6.7
Kansas ranks third as the highest tornado risk. Let’s look at the next state that has a higher risk of tornadoes. This is Kansas ranks in third place. During the spring, the country is so severe in some storm activity. Most of the storms occurred in this place can turn into a super cell structure. So, some of them can form a large tornado.
4. Iowa: 6.6
Iowa: 6.6
Iowa ranks fourth as the highest tornado risk. In the fourth highest tornado risk, you will see that this place has been filled by Iowa. Generally, these countries will experience a tornado several activities both in summer and spring. There will be 37 tornadoes occur each year.
5. Illinois: 6.2
Illinois: 6.2
Illinois was in fifth position as the highest tornado risk. The risk of tornadoes in the fifth position, you will see that this place is governed by Illinois. Every year, this country will experience a storm about 51 days, while the tornado activity is calculated 35 times a year.
6. Indiana: 6.1
Indiana: 6.1
Indiana was in sixth position as the highest tornado risk. Tornado in Indiana is positioned on the sixth of the risk of tornadoes. The rating is attached by VorTek. If you live in Indiana, you must be prepared with all the bad things that might happen in the future.
7. Mississippi: 5.7
Mississippi: 5.7
Mississippi ranks as the seventh highest tornado risk. Mississippi is the seventh country with the highest risk of tornadoes. The hardest part that has been attacked by Hurricane Katrina is the Magnolia State. At that time, flooding also occurred because of heavy rain followed by a big storm.
8. Maryland: 5.7
Maryland: 5.7
Maryland occupies the eighth position as the highest tornado risk. Maryland location is not really useful for it lies near the Atlantic Coast. Some tropical cyclones are ready to attack this country. Every year, it is calculated that more than 6 tornadoes occur here.
9. Louisiana: 5.6
Louisiana: 5.6
Louisiana ranks as the ninth highest tornado risk. Tornado risk in ninth position, you may notice that this place was taken by Louisiana. One of the cities hardest hit by the tornado was because of Hurricane Katrina Pelican State in 2005. Disaster at the time it has become the largest in the U.S.
10. Texas: 5.2
Texas: 5.2
Texas is ranked tenth in the list of highest tornado risk. The risk of a tornado in Texas is counted in tenth position. If you live here, it’s better for you to have good insurance just in case that you and your property is affected by this tornado and lightning. One of the dangerous tornado ever hit in this area was Hurricane Ike occurred in 2008.
Source :- http://worldtoptenthings.blogspot.in/2012/02/top-10-us-states-with-highest-tornado.html



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