Craig Lewis became the first man in the world could survive even without a heart in his chest. All this thanks to the spectacular treatment performed by two doctors from Texas.

Doctors Billy Cohn and Bud Frazier of the Texas Heart Institute succeeded in replacing Craig Lewis’s heart by means of a pump that functions like a human heart.

Artificial heart has saved the lives of 55-year-old father of the disease amyloidosis, a disease that causes the body to produce abnormal proteins. Protein-protein conclusively proves what? Meet these organs to organ stops working.

Now, Lewis could be regarded as a first human without a heart walked the earth. Not only that, the artificial heart to make this man had no pulse. This is because the workings of artificial heart was beating like a heart that is not original, but simply pumping blood continuously without stopping. But however it turns out, as long as it works, Lewis will stay alive even without a heartbeat and pulse.

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