Top 10 Nerdy and Unusual Chopping Boards
Top 10 Nerdy and Unusual Chopping Boards
There has been a debate raging since the dawn of time. This isn’t science Vs Religion, Not wooden roller coasters Vs Steel ones this is a little more humble than those. It is the age old debate of wooden chopping boards VS plastic ones! Because it seems that some people really do prefer one kind over the other. But I am about to throw the proverbial ‘cat amongst the pigeons’ or so to speak, because I say that when you are a nerd like me it doesn’t matter what it is made of! Especially if it’s one of these little beauties…
Top 10 Nerdy and Unusual Chopping Boards

Top 10 Nerdy and Unusual Chopping Boards
Triforce chopping board.
10 – “Use the force Link!”
One of the first ever posts I did was “Top 10 Triforce Gift Ideas” and while it wasn’t a major success I did enjoy making it as I do all my post! And this amazing Tri Force inspired chopping board was in that top 10 and was well worth to be there I say.
Top 10 Nerdy and Unusual Chopping Boards
Gamepad Chopping Board
9 – The N.E.S was the B.E.S.T!
And what better way to get some retro happiness than to purchase this rather awesome game-pad chopping board! Sadly it is out of stock at the moment of me writing this but just hang on in there because more is due soon.
Top 10 Nerdy and Unusual Chopping Boards
Chopping board dj deck
8 – C,C,C,C,Chopping….on the ones and twos!
Do DJ’s even use records any more !? Probably not, but that doesn’t mean that any budding music nerd wouldn’t love this incredible DJ mixing deck chopping board!
Top 10 Nerdy and Unusual Chopping Boards
Ouch Voodoo Cutting Board
7 – Food you do on Voodoo!
I have watched enough cheap, silly horror films to know that I shouldn’t mess with a voodoo whether it is in doll form or a cutting board. The “Ouch” Voodoo cutting board will help you work out some aggression while preparing a meal! Just make sure you watch those fingers!
Top 10 Nerdy and Unusual Chopping Boards
iPad chopping Board
6 – IPad = IChop!
And I include it in this top top and them maybe you will buy it! It does have to be said that this awesome Apple I-Pad inspired chopping board is a joy to look and and unlike the real thing doesn’t cost the earth!
Top 10 Nerdy and Unusual Chopping Boards
Picnic Time Sand Trap Cheese Board and Tool Set
5 – Tea off at Tea Time!
Are golf fans nerds?!? Well whatever they are this amazing golf green chopping board is the perfect gift for a golf fan but I don’t even play golf and even I thought this was amazing!
Top 10 Nerdy and Unusual Chopping Boards
Bird Feeder Chopping Board
4 – From one birdie to another
Before anyone moans yes I know the (source) link doesn’t goto the selling page like the rest but it does goto a page that tells you step-by-step how to make your own! But in truth I decided to included this one for the sheer levels of genius it is. Only a true nerd could have come up with this little beauty.
Top 10 Nerdy and Unusual Chopping Boards
Chuck Norris Cutting Board
3 – Chuck Norris can cut through a hot knife with butter!
Is there anything that Chuck Norris can’t do? Well it seems he “cuts without a board” But exactly like it says “You are NOT Chuck Norris” so you might need this Chuck Norris inspired chopping board!
Top 10 Nerdy and Unusual Chopping Boards
Joseph Joseph: Index Chopping Boards and Storage Case
2 – Chopping Board OCD
Are you like me and like things to be….just right?! Is your kitchen and living area arranged exactly how you like it? Well then maybe this is the chopping board for us. ….I mean you!
Top 10 Nerdy and Unusual Chopping Boards
Super Mario Chopping Board
1 – Super Choppio!
Being a nerd myself I knew! What it was that I knew was that from the moment I saw this it was always going to be my number 1 in this list. Sure it costs the earth but its so well worth it. Perfect for Super Mario to chop those Goombas up!




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