Top 10 Images of Laughing Horses
Top 10 Images of Laughing Horses
I am ashamed to admit this, but I once joined a horse riding club just so I could get to meet a girl that work there. I didn’t really mind horses, I just didn’t have any real want or need to learn to ride one. And on my first day, on the first hour, of the first ever time I was going to mount a horse the horrible thing bolted and threw me off it’s back like I was a meat pillow and even worse I went straight into the mud and sadly the feet of the girl I wanted to meet. She was not impressed and nor was I, but I swear that the horse started not winking, not smiling, but full on laughing at me! So was I going mad or can horses really laugh?!? So grab a saddle and ‘mount up’ as we take a look at….
Top 10 Images of Laughing Horses

Top 10 Images of Laughing Horses
Laughing Horse
10 – “What do you call a horse wearing Venetian blinds?…A zebra!”
Q: Did you hear about the depressed horse?
A: He told a tale of whoa!
Top 10 Images of Laughing Horses
Laughing Horse
9 – “When do vampires like horse racing?…When it’s neck and neck!”
Q: What’s a horse’s favourite TV show?
A: Neighbours
Top 10 Images of Laughing Horses
laughing Horse
8 – “What does it mean if you find a horse shoe?…A horse is walking around in his socks!”
Q: Which side of a horse has more hair?
A: The outside
Top 10 Images of Laughing Horses
Laughing Horse
7 – “What is the best type of story to tell a runaway horse?…A tale of WHOA!”
Q: What do you call a horse that can’t lose a race?
A: Sherbet
Top 10 Images of Laughing Horses
Laughing Horse
Laughing Horse
6 – “What part of the horse has the most hair?…The outside!!!”
Q: Did you hear about the horse with the negative altitude?
A: He always said Neigh!
Top 10 Images of Laughing Horses
Laughing Horse
5 – “Have you read the book, “100-mile Horse Trek” by Major Bumsore?”
Q: What do you call a horse wearing Venetian blinds?
A: A zebra!
Top 10 Images of Laughing Horses
Laughing Horse
4 – “What’s a horse’s favourite sport?…Stable Tennis!”
Q: What did one horse say to the other horse?
A: The pace is familiar but I can’t remember the mane.
Top 10 Images of Laughing Horses
Laughing Horse
3 – “What horses can jump higher than a house?…All of them, houses don’t jump!”
Q: What kind of horses go out after dusk?
A: Nightmares!
Top 10 Images of Laughing Horses
Laughing Horse
2 – “Why did the horse go behind the tree?…To change his jockeys!”
Q: Where do horses shop for clothes?
A: Old Neigh-vy!
Top 10 Images of Laughing Horses
Laughing Horse
1 – …and then once you had thrown him into the mud, he look up and said ‘Fancy a date?’
Q: What kind of bread does a horse eat?
A: Thoroughbred



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