Each and every day, you think of different concepts and answers for your life and what you think makes you special, unique and prepared to run into different kinds of problems. You know that the day when you are able to come up with ideas to help the world will come. Let’s have a look at the top ten concepts that haven’t been looked into but that one day will come true.

10. Elevator for Space

Elevator for Space Top 10 Uninvented Ideas

It also gets the name of geostationary orbital chain. An elevator for space is a concept to convey materials that are on the earth to the space in an easy way. Put forward as a rocketlike structure sent-to-space construction, this kind of ladder for the space will have to be built from a material that is resistant to the stress of going through 35,785 kilometers from the surface to get to the place where it would orbit. As stated by recent ideas, the space elevator could be built with a nanotube of boron nitride or a nanotube of carbon because these materials can stand a great amount of strength, which is exactly what the construction needs to come into existence.

9. Shield for Deflection

Shield for Deflection Top 10 Uninvented Ideas

This is a clear fence made up of several coverings that have an energetic distortion device to safeguard any item from invasions or natural disasters. The shield of energy would be composed of a monolithic cluster of gravitons in order to prevent any external force from getting to the other part by going through the centerline of the shield. The power of the shield will hinge on the force of repulsion and also on how close it is to the invader.

8. Replicator

Replicator Top 10 Uninvented Ideas

This is a suggested gadget that can reorganize particles of subatomic size to build any dead matter. Prior to attaining a pattern of the pre-checked matter, it is essential to transform it into energy that in due course is reshaped into an intricate quantum structure. Put simple, this technology helps scientists dematerialize matter into different levels to rematerialize it into a different shape.

7. Transatlantic Tunnel

Transatlantic Tunnel Top 10 Uninvented Ideas

A story called “An Express of the Future” that appeared in the “Strand Magazine” in the mid 1890s was the inspiration for the Transatlantic Tunnel, which would bring North America and Europe together by means of tunnel in the Atlantic Basin. There’s no doubt that the construction of such underwater tunnel would require so many materials that science wouldn’t be able to provide them all. However, if it were ever done, you would have the chance to reach a velocity of 8,000 an hour what would give you the chance to go from New York to London in only sixty minutes.

6. Terraforming

Terraforming Top 10 Uninvented Ideas

As stated by this theory, you can transform the habit of the planet you want on purpose to make it similar to the environment of the earth, which is a place fit to live in. In the beginning, it puts forward the introduction of microscopic life on a planet of your choice in order to start producing oxygen, which would speed up the chances of human development. Aside from being unattainable in terms of finance, the terraforming technology would also imply the creation of intricate principles related to geochemistry, astrophysics and geophysics.

5. Virtual Colonization of the Oceans

Virtual Colonization of the Oceans Top 10 Uninvented Ideas

The concept supporting this product is to introduce an ecological way of life in the waters of the oceans. If we think about what the future of human life looks like, a colony on the ocean would give human beings accommodation, industries, education and some other things to make an underwater society develop. This master plan of human life under water in the future is an amazing step towards changing the world we live in into a more environmentally friendly area.

4. Anti-gravity

Anti gravity Top 10 Uninvented Ideas

A great distance off of the boundaries of gravity, Anti-gravity technology was thought in order to design an area where people can be suspended in the air without facing any issues. As stated by the relativity theory, gravity is a result of the shape and arrangement in space that doesn’t take into account the prospects of the effects opposed to gravity. The idea behind anti-gravity comprises the use of a superconductor to see how it is related to gravity. According to different scientific studies, the effects of anti-gravity would be corresponding to the velocity of the rotating semiconductor.

3. Global Municipal Wi-Fi

Global Municipal Wifi Top 10 Uninvented Ideas

This amazing project concept has to do with making the whole world a Wireless Access Area or WAA by using a wireless web. On the ground and local levels, the service is offered by a local broadband through Wi-Fi that goes to the local region. Several cities around the world have produced this kind of applications but they would only share a small part of it on the worldwide level. As a matter of fact, the intercontinental Wi-Fi would be fantastic because you would be able to access the net wherever you are.

2. Teleportation of Humans

Teleportation of Humans Top 10 Uninvented Ideas

A vision to move matter from a certain place to a completely different one, this kind of teleportation would only be possible provided the velocity of transference was exactly the same as that of the light speed. In order to make this teleportation happen in a success way, the device has to study more than 1000 atoms that make up a human being with sharp accuracy. The data of all the different atoms would be sent to a different place, where the body would have to be put back together again with great exactitude.

1. Travel in Time

Travel in Time Top 10 Uninvented Ideas

Considered to be the most sought-after subject of sci-fi movies and of life, this theory has to do with having the ability to move from one time to another, either in the past or the future. Suppose someone travels in time and comes back to the earth at a relative speed, greater time will have gone by in the real world than for the traveller, something that demonstrate that the traveller was in the future. Nevertheless, it’s a very difficult task to work out how long went by between the moments the traveller departed and the moment he arrived, even when the real time experienced by the time-trotter and the world could have a straight answer. As stated by time dilation, an object moving at a high speed feels that time goes by more slowly than the real time when not moving.

Source :- http://worldtop10.net/top-10-uninvented-ideas/



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